Yesterday was a rough day

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Yesterday was a rough day. Because 1) I was exhausted from squeezing-in errands and all the travels going from Hagonoy to Baliuag to Mandaluyong to Malolos in one day. 2) I was beginning to feel anxious from overflowing thoughts and sick from all the negative nostalgic vibes I try hard not to entertain and yesterday the cloud was just too thick. 3) I deleted my Facebook app because I cannot deal with all the negativity for months now and yesterday was a tipping point.

Since one of my goals was to write more, here goes the stories behind these three and how they got sorted out:

I chose Starbucks as my waiting area after yesterday’s mad travels. I sat there enjoying my Soy Green Tea Latte, grabbed a piece of paper, prayed, and scribbled thoughts that have been clouding my mind recently. Faced with major decisions, I was unsure if I’m taking the right path. But I fought through the cloud and assessed my situation. I’ve always liked me-time because it’s when I get to answer questions and issues I’m currently dealing with.

At the end of my two-hour reflection, I was able to reach a conclusion. That place I was in the past few months made perfect sense for me but I wasn’t fully-prepared for it. And as a new set of priorities unfold before me, what makes sense today is the path I chose to take. However since I know I would always want to be in that same environment in the future, I went on working on a draft plan on how I can achieve that. Now my challenge is to commit to the yearly goal and polish the wire-frame as I go.



It’s been an arduous internal battle: I want to leave social media but I can’t because I need it for the business because it’s the inevitable new technology.

I know it’s impossible to leave the platform so I tried other ways, and the perfect move was— to change my algorithm. I went onboard with the process and it’s a continuous work to this day, refining things along the way and it’s actually been working fine. I highly recommend it.

You see, I have always been trusting of people and I always try to look at them in high standard and respect despite the obvious red flags. But yesterday was a new low. Every single day I go outside, I see the reality of how uneducated people can act. And how discipline, manners, and respect were now just words stripped of their meanings; no longer put to use.

Social media has the ability to magnify things and I’ve seen it magnify humanity’s lack of discipline, manners, and respect these days; how a number of us have become lost causes. So I was one step into leaving social media because I’m done with lost causes. But today one person changed that. One person showed me there still are people out there who are forward-thinkers who would rather be constructive and positive instead of throwing a fit.



As for my exhaustion from traveling, I slept a good 7.5hrs straight and a few more untracked ones.


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