Journal #1: The love that goes beyond

Friday, March 16, 2018


For the first time, I found a love that is more than just butterflies and tickles. In you, I found home. I found peace. I finally found the love that goes beyond. I found a love — so pure — it shamed every other love that has passed.

Have you ever felt so peaceful about falling in love it was as if everything just fell into their right places and finally made sense?

I have!

It's beyond amazing to have finally found someone just like me — clingy, mad, hopeless romantic. Someone who embraces my entire being including my flaws and shortcomings. Someone who felt like home.

Oh, God.

Jemmo and I met five years ago. Not sure if we first met in the publication where he was the Editor-in-Chief or in the swimming team where he was — guess what —Team Captain, of course.

One fine day during training, whilst the team take turns swimming, my eyes caught Jemmo paddling his way across the 50m pool. He was effortlessly excellent at it.And that was the moment it hit me — I have a huge crush on him. I did not entertain my having a crush on him that much, recognising he is my senior on both organisations, and not having any hint that he might be feeling the same. Lol. We've shared a few meetings, trainings, and hung out with the same circle of friends a hundred of times. We've built such a smooth and solid friendship — Jemmo, Oli, Carl, and I — it makes me mushy every time I think of it. I decided I'll be content with being just friends with Jemmo. And we've had this kind of friendship, us four, that albeit no longer getting to talk or hang out like we used to, we were still intact. I would invite them to the house to jam with me and my brothers. I'd ask for help with my computer stuff (oh, these guys are too talented even a CpE student could count on them for help). And they can keep up with long hours of talking!

Ehem, little did I know Jemmo has been obsessed with me the first time he met me!


Okay, so he even had this digital illustration of me, which, I am the only one who didn't recognise it was me:

As we went along teasing each other, we realised how perfect the timing was. If we had known back in college that we have a major crush on each other and had gotten into a relationship then, we might not have made it to this day. We acknowledge we were both immature to be in a serious relationship back then, and would have just hurt each other and broke our friendship or what would be left of it.

We realised that everything that had happened in the past led to where we are today. If it had not been for our past relationships, heartbreaks, and failures, we would not be who we are today. This is why I no longer regret anything.

Albeit not being in our best versions today, we agreed to work our way up for ourselves and for each other. I am beyond blessed to have a life partner who understands me and is willing to know me better. Agreeing on many things is just a bonus. In the same way, I am ready to go through anything for him and for us. Confident that I have someone I can tag whenever life tires me, someone who speaks encouraging things to me, and gives scoldings in the nicest way possible.

My last relationship was a mess. I struggled to make it work. But with Jemmo, believe me, everything was so peaceful including breaking the news to our families. Perhaps being friends contributed a lot in our relationship. We are very comfortable with each other. We thrive to be transparent about our feelings and he has been blatantly honest with everything. And albeit having to spend only three days together and moving into a long distance relationship, that didn't stop us from having quality conversations.

I had no plans of getting into a relationship before Jemmo came. To be honest, I was enjoying my being single to the point of pushing married life to a farther time! Well I guess when love finds you, you can't hide from it!

Here are a few photos of us that I managed to salvage through the years:

Red Ants Engineering Swimming Team

(Here you see him making a move so smooth I didn't even notice lol)

The Engineers Publication coffee hangout (why are you sitting beside me again)

February 2015 catching-up with the group! (Why are you always sitting next to me hmm hmm hmm)

Awwe this was November 2017, dearie me, two years before we had time to catch-up again!

When I was young, I thought meeting the one would be like what you see in the movies — everything slows down and he's all you see and you hear music inside your head and you're overwhelmed with butterflies and aaaah!

But mine wasn't like that. My the one felt like walking inside a house and knowing you are home.

Knowing there is someone who supports you all the way but also will not hesitate to give you a wake-up call when you're doing something that is not okay. Someone who respects you and values you. Someone who oh my god loves you the whole you and accepts you despite you being a ball of depression and anxiety sometimes. Someone who holds you and comforts you when you break down. Someone who inspires you to become better. Someone who gives you security and peace. — Aren't all of these things amazing?! I think I've asked Jemmo if he's real about five times already. Ugh how are you real I don't deserve you you are so surreal

Oh look, here's a recent photo of us four, lol we are soooo freakin' gangsta. Hahaha!

And here's my favourite photo of Jemmo and me, atm. :)

Hi love, if you're reading this, I want to let you know I love you!


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